Utah Health Insurance Advisors

Health Insurance on Exchange that Truly Covers What Matters to You

At Utah Health Insurance Advisors, we simplify the process of finding the perfect health insurance.


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Open Enrollment

Nov 1 - Dec 15

It’s that time of year again to review your situation and update your insurance plans for the coming year.  You can schedule a time with me now to beat the rush.

Marketplace Insurance Plans

Marketplace plans provide a Subsidy that makes your Health Insurance very affordable. The plan rates are based on Adjusted Gross Income for each specific year. Many families can pay as little as Zero per month up to only a couple of hundred dollars. Our goal is to help you achieve a health insurance game plan you can feel confident in. We have state-of-the-art software that can help you compare plans to find the ideal plan for your healthcare needs.

Health Insurance Non-Marketplace

Did you miss your opportunity with open enrollment? These plans are for healthy individuals/families with Higher Income and who don’t qualify or want to participate in a subsidy. These plans are on a PPO network and don’t require any income reporting like a Marketplace plan. They can be enrolled at any time during the year and can start on any date during the year as well. Short-term insurance offers great catastrophic protection and exceptional value with daily benefits as well. The main difference between these plans vs. traditional health plans is that pre-existing conditions, pregnancy, mental health needs and prescriptions are excluded.

Get Insurance Today!

If you need any type of Health Insurance, Utah Health Insurance Advisors are here to help! 

Fill out the form above and experience what it’s like to be taken care by one of our professional advisors.


Discover how our health insurance plans have positively impacted the lives of individuals and families, providing comprehensive coverage and peace of mind.